Preparing Your Manuscript for Submission to Borrego Publishing or Book Publishing Company
We prefer that you use a common word-processing packages such as MS Word. If you have any doubt that your software will be suitable, please supply some sample material to your editor for testing. The sample need not be very long, but must include all the features that will require distinctive design treatment, such as:
- Chapters, headings and sub-headings
- Tables
- Numbered or bulleted lists
- Figures/photos
- Equations
- Definitions
- References
File Formats
- Please supply your manuscript as a standard word processing document.
- Create a new file for every major section of the book: preface, introduction, individual chapters, appendices, glossary, bibliography and so on.
- Files should be named with meaningful filenames. For example: INTRO, CH01, CH02, for example.
- Label each disk clearly, indicating the author, book title, the files contained, the date created and the software used.
Typing Your Manuscript
- Use only one word-processing program to prepare the manuscript (preferably Microsoft Word).
- Use a serif typeface.
- Type should be 12 pt. in size and text should be double-spaced.
- Do not apply a sophisticated design to your manuscript. This can be time consuming and unless otherwise agreed in advance. We will layout the pages in the most appropriate format for the market and subject matter.
- Most word processors allow you to bold, underline or italicize characters or words. The word processing codes generated to achieve these features can usually be translated directly to equivalent typesetting codes so please be consistent when using this feature.
- Graphics: it's okay to reference in the text where a graphic should be placed. However, please ensure the filename and caption of the graphic is included in the manuscript.
- Line drawings and technical diagrams are preferred to be created in Adobe Illustrator or Microsoft Visio. However, we can convert most diagrams that were originally generated is MS Word, PowerPoint, and so forth.
- Photographs should ideally be provided as 300 dpi, B&W .tif file format images. However, we can usually work with any photographic file formats.
- Equations should be created in MS Word Equation Editor or MathType and can be embedded in the manuscript file.
The Printout
- The printout must match exactly the version of the manuscript supplied on disc.
- Number the manuscript pages consecutively from the first page of Chapter 1, or Part 1 if the book contains part titles.
- Print out manuscript on one-sided paper, and double-spaced with a 1-inch margin on the left and right so that the text can be easily copyedited.
- Write in any incomplete or missing material, and please ensure there are references to where graphics are to be placed.
Submitting Files
- Submit files to your editor, or directly to Borrego Publishing if you are self-publishing your book.
- Send original files, but be sure to keep a backup file of each disc you send in.