Borrego Publishing is a book production company that specializes in full-service production of professional, science and technology (S&T), technical books, engineering books, academic text books, computer books, and corporate professional and technical documentation such as manuals, application notes and data sheets. View our impressive roster of clients. Also, check out our subsidy press services!
The following sample is of the Pulse Quality Policy/Procedure Manual that initially was text-based (approximately 2,000 pages), and by utilizing Adobe Acrobat, the hard copy version was repurposed to an eBook version that could be viewed on a CD-ROM, as well as accessible from the internal corporate network by employees. The following sample shows a snapshot of the final PDF product. The Quality Management System manual can be easily navigated throughout all divisions and section of the manual. Additional functions in the eBook version include a fully-searchable index and hyperlinked bookmarks.
Sample 11:
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Other Publishing Resources: freelance book production, textbook design, desktop publishing, book publishing company, technical writing, full-service book production, off-shore outsourcing, book-length publications, long documents, composition/page layout, copyediting, artwork generation, CD-ROM generation, prepress production, project management, affordable basic website design, technical publications such as data sheets, data books, application notes, user’s manuals and authored books, outsourcing production to India. Target markets: San Diego, Phoenix, San Jose, Silicon Valley, Boston, Colorado, North Carolina, Washington.